Dealing with a Pathological Liar

Psychology Today has narrowed down the reasons people with psychological issues lie to the following:

  • They lie for popularity: simply put, these people want attention and do believe that their regular selves are not good enough. They create stories and events where they are admirable heroes or, alternatively, situations where they are horribly victimized. Either way, the attention they get, the sympathy or the admiration, fuel them for more.
  • They lie to control: these people manipulate the facts to gain psychological supremacy over others. They do it to scare them or to make them feel bad. They get a thrill out of emotionally toying with their feelings. And the more they get away with it, the more they’d want to do it.
  • They lie because they are insecure: although we all do that in varying degrees, Those who constantly lie about every single detail of their lives are a different story. It would make sense if you felt bad about your bad grades and wanted to hide the fact from, say, your faraway cousins. But these people would go as far as making up a whole new life with tiny irrelevant details. It’s as if they want to be someone else.


If you’re dealing with someone with psychological issues, one of the common manifestations is pathological lying — lying all the time, and lying when there’s no logical reason to even lie.  Understanding why they lie may not solve the problem, but it might make it easier to understand.  They lie for attention; they lie to control and they lie because they are insecure.

What are the early signs of parental alienation?

On behalf of Lorandos Joshi posted in Federal Crimes on Friday, February 3, 2017.

Children of divorce are innocent bystanders and casualties of divorce. They are innocent bystanders, as one household becomes two. They face uncertainty, if not fear of the future. Their best interests should come first.

Acts of parental alienation present a direct threat to their emotional and psychological well-being. Far too many waste little time in manipulating children to take “their side.” They force children to choose one parent. They foster unease or negative feelings towards another parent. These sinister and damaging signsmust be identified and stopped.

Putting Children In The Middle

  • Validating anger children feel towards a parent
  • Speaking disparagingly about the other parent in the presence of children
  • Blaming the other parent for financial struggles and other changes in lifestyle in front of the children
  • Telling children about the details regarding the marriage failing and the divorce decree
  • Requesting information from children on the other parent’s personal life


False Accusations

  • Accusing the other parent of putting children at risk without evidence
  • Knowingly making false and dangerous allegations of violence, sexual abuse, drug/alcohol abuse, and other illegal activities
  • Needing to “rescue” children when no danger exists


Continuing Interference

  • Forcing children to choose which parent they want to visit
  • Not abiding by or reducing court-ordered or agreed upon access time and visitation
  • Conversely, rigid and inflexible enforcement of visitation schedules purely out of vengeance.
  • Refusing access to medical and school records and schedules of extracurricular activities

Regardless of whatever form it takes, parental alienation is an obstacle that impairs improved relationships between a divorcing couple and their children.

[Source: ]

What is the Difference Between a compulsive liar and sociopath — Parental Alienation

A Sociopath A sociopath is typically defined as someone who lies incessantly to get their way and does so with little concern for others. A sociopath is often goal-oriented (i.e., lying is focused—it is done to get one’s way). Sociopaths have little regard or respect for the rights and feelings of others. Sociopaths are often […]

via What is the Difference Between a compulsive liar and sociopath — Parental Alienation