Time to spread some awareness!!

Parental Alienation Awareness

Did you know that Parental Alienation is considered a form of child abuse? Mentally, emotionally and in some cases physically. I don’t think that people are truly aware of this worldwide epidemic and how common it is until you or someone you love becomes a victim. No child should be isolated from the love of a family without reason. No child should be made to choose between a mother and father. All children deserve to have a loving, healthy relationship with both parents. All children deserve equal time spent with their parents. Some children are being denied this on a daily basis simply because one parent has decided to become “The Alienator.” Whatever the reason may be… anger, scorn, power trip, vindictive or just because they can without consequence putting their best interest first rather than the child’s. I mean if you didn’t want to deal with someone it’s just…

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Mom loses custody for alienating dad

Custody Struggles

” In a stunning and unusual family law decision, a Toronto judge has stripped a mother of custody of her three children after the woman spent more than a decade trying to alienate them from their father.”


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Examples of denigrating behavior on the part of an alienating parent

1) Sabotaging and interfering with visits or not permitting visits at all.

2) Depriving the targeted parent of important information about the child, including but not limited to medical, educational, and social activities.

3) Not informing and excluding the targeted parent from the child’s activities, parent/teacher conferences, birthdays, religious events, graduations, etc.

4) Programming the child against the targeted parent by belittling, criticizing, and deprecating the targeted parent in the child’s presence.

5) Removing the targeted pictures of the targeted parent from the child’s awareness.

6) Interference with and not being supportive of contact between the targeted parent and the child. This contact includes the telephone, text messaging, e-mailing, skype, or other methods.

7) Making unilateral decisions in major areas regarding the child.

8) Verbally and physically abusing the targeted parent by the child and/or alienating parent.

9) Defying the targeted parent’s supervision and authority.

10) Rejection of the targeted parent’s gifts, cards, vacations, and other offers of help.

We experienced all of the above over the years, and the denigrating behavior worked.  We have not seen or spoken to my husband’s children in over seven years.

Email Your Kids

This is a really great idea!


I was advised to set an email address for my kids and to send actual copies of everything you get to it so they can see the truth in the future. My kids are only young but when they’re old enough they can read the emails and make their own minds up , after all the emails are the truth of what’s going on right here right now.
I send all emails received from the professionals involved and all emails I send when asking for something , it gives a great all round picture of what’s happening , so If you’re not present for something important in their lives you have evidence of your attempt to do the right thing. So if you are having problems seeing your kids record electronically , it’s time stamped and it’s the facts. I think it’s a great way of avoiding future issues.

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How alienating parents use justified rejection reasoning

Karen Woodall - Psychotherapist, Writer, Researcher, Trainer

The landscape of parental alienation is extremely complex and made more so by the ways in which alienating parents in the severe category are skilled manipulators of other people. Skilled alienators will use other people to achieve their aims such as friends, family, practitioners, parish priests, GP’s, schools, hospitals and the target parent him/herself. Skilled alienators can be cunning and secretive or they can be chaotic and visibly destructive. Where-ever they are on the scale however they can rope in the target parent as well as a raft of other people to convince the world, the children involved and, in some cases even the target parent that the cause of the rejection is justified and not parental alienation. Here is an example of how this is done by a covert but very skilled alienator.

Rachel is a powerful business woman who is in charge of a large company. She has…

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Leadbeater: Shared parenting is the answer to poor child custody grades

Custody Struggles

” Further, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Census Bureau have reported alarming outcomes for the 35 percent of children who are raised by single parents. Consider that children raised by single parents account for:

63 percent of teen suicides;
70 percent of juveniles in state-operated institutions;
71 percent of high school dropouts;
75 percent of children in chemical abuse centers;
85 percent of those in prison;
85 percent of children who exhibit behavioral disorders; and
90 percent of homeless and runaway children.

Despite these outcomes, the Census Bureau shows that only 17 percent of children of separated or divorced parents enjoy shared parenting, which prevents their ability to benefit equally from both parents and has a tremendous impact on their emotional, mental and physical health. How can this be, when we live in a country where men and women have certain…

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To my father, and to every alienator

Our alienating parent was abused by her father, and went on to abuse her own children by alienating them from their father. I’m sure it’s difficult for her to understand or appreciate the importance of a parent / child relationship, given her history with her own father. Reading these words, written to a parent / alienator, expressed so much of what we have been going through for so many years.

Memories of an Alienated Daughter

Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” -Jesus

I know that no one is born revengeful or angry. I believe that people enter life as love.

I know that you were abused by your father, who was likely abused by his and so on. I know that his words probably did more damage than his fist- the way he told you that you were worthless, incapable, nothing. He didn’t see you, not really. He told you a lie.

I know that he abused your mother, my grandmother. She told me about the time when you were a teen and had enough of his wrath. The time, the hundredth time, he banged his fist and stood up at the dinner table; something trivial triggered his rage and when he leaned toward your mother, you stood to protect her.  You ran to grab the ax used for…

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