
This blog has been created for the purpose of sharing our situation with a narcissistic, alienating ex-spouse.

My husband and his ex have been divorced for over 40 years; we celebrated our 34th wedding anniversary last August; he had not had any contact with his children from his first marriage for many years — until he was diagnosed with gliobastoma and given two to five years to live.

While the children were growing up, there were problems with the father maintaining a relationship with his children. Mother did everything in her power to make sure that relationship was non-existent, and she eventually succeeded in doing just that.

After years of no contact with the children (who are now adults), the mother continues to follow us via the internet, searching our current family photos, posting comments about us, as well as her former in-laws on genealogy sites ….. the list goes on and on. When we discovered a password had been stolen from a private message on facebook and was then distributed among several people, who then viewed our private family photos, the authorities were contacted. They suggested that we document the mother’s behavior over the past 30 years, as well as install tracking devices on our websites.

We chose to share our story here, in the hopes that it helps other parents who find it impossible to maintain a relationship with their children because of the children’s other parent.

Unfortunately, my husband lost his courageous battle with brain cancer and is now gone.  He was an incredible man.  He was strong, protective and put everyone before himself.  He was fortunate enough to reconcile with his oldest daughter a couple of years before his death. She brought him great joy and happiness during his last years here on earth.  He was able to get to know her child — his granddaughter.  This daughter’s family helped usher my husband into the next world with love and for that, I am eternally thankful.

There is another daughter he never reconciled with before his death.  This alienated child’s oldest daughter — my husband’s first grandchild — was the light of his life.  Contrary to what this daughter said when she pulled the child by the arm, out of our house:  you’ll never see her again! — he was able to see her.  The tears flowed.  He held her hand and stroked her hair and gazed into her eyes.  I am so happy this alienated / alienating child did not fulfill her promise and was unable to keep this precious child from her adoring grandfather before his death.

If you are the victim of parental alienation, you are not alone.

This is our story:

Our Journey Through Parental Alienation


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